August 31, 2011

Mother in Law

Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

Yesterday my wife told me that her mother was coming up to visit for a couple of days and I felt like jumping off the highest building I could find. Its not that my mother-in-law is a bad lady she is just extremely annoying. Sometimes I feel like its her mission to push my buttons just so she can see my reaction. Every time she comes over she wants to lecture me about how I need to raise my kids differently and how I shouldn’t have bought something.

One thing that I know she cant complain about is the security system I recently had installed in my house simply by going to http://www.HomeSECURITY101.COM I had a high quality security system installed and now I feel safer in the house and I know that my mother-in-law will feel safer too. Although, the security system doesn’t change the fact that she will probably complain about everything else my wife and I do. But I guess I will just bit my tongue like I always do and just wait for her to leave.

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