November 30, 2010

Are you paying too much?

I often wonder why people pay $50,000 for a motorcycle and park it in their garage. In all honesty, I don't know if I would pound the hell out of a motorcycle I paid that much for. When I went looking for the custom shop to build my motorcycle I wanted a motorcycle I was not afraid to drive due to its cost. When I came across American Classic Motors, and talked to the head builder there he said something that really resonated with me. He said, "we build nice custom bikes for the daily driver." That's what I ended up with. I'm not joking when I say people yell out their car windows at red lights to tell me how cool they think my bike it. When I ride down the road I feel like I have a $50,000 motorcycle the way people react. However, I know what I paid for the bike. ACM motorcycles average around 17-20K and when you think about it, that's less than most stock Harley, Yamaha and Honda motorcycles. I have no problems being a spokes boy for ACM because they have treated me well, balanced my expectations and provided world-class customer service not only in their sales department but in their build shop as well.

For an example, I came across this motorcycle for the first time when I went to pick up my bobber. Had I seen it first, I might have rolled out of the shop with it instead. They sold the bike a few months ago and I'm sure someone is rolling around town with a grin from ear to ear with it. When I get my next motorcycle from ACM it will most likely looks similar to this one. This just goes to show you that you can get a great custom built motorcycle and not have to pay $50.000 for it.

Pictures taken from America Classic

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