November 13, 2010

Winterizing You Motorcycle

Photo from Omni B's Flicker account-not my bobber

Seriously, people winterize their motorcycles. The Pansy motorcyclists… and we will use the term loosely even give parking your motorcycle a cute name. They call it “putting it to bed for the winter.” Seriously? I know the left-wingers have changed FTW to stand for “for the win” but just for a minute, I would like to bring those three letters back to the dark side and use them the way Taz indented.
I Live in the not so great commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Eastern to be exact and I get to deal with the potholes, idiot drivers, sleeting and craptastic snow all the time. It is the second week in November and I have yet to put on a coat when I go out riding.
I considered dumping Staybil or whatever it is into my tank, parking the bike in the corner of the garage, putting a cover over it and forgetting I own a motorcycle for the next 4-months but then I forgot that I was born with a pair of balls and I changed my mind. Yes, winter is a good time to fix all the little things that nagged you over the summer but that is no reason to park it!
Today was the perfect excuse not to winterize your motorcycle. It reached 70-degrees today and I took two rides. Had I winterized my bike in October when it got colder, I would have thought twice about jumping on it and going for a ride. Just keep your battery on the tender and do not be afraid to ride when the temperature is colder. Gees’ almighty! 

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